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What Does CBD Oil Feel Like?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a compound found in both hemp and marijuana plants that, on its own, does not produce psychoactive effects. Instead, CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabis compound that offers anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anti-anxiety effects which also has other beneficial properties as well.

CBD doesn't cause a high effect, so if you're seeking out CBD as a means to get high, you won't experience that.

But, What does CBD feel like?

Many consumers and medical patients report several positive effects after taking CBD, including feelings of relaxation and calmness. But the exact feeling you'll get from CBD is contingent on several factors, including the type of CBD, type of product, the CBD dosage, and your individual-specific factors.

Depending on the treatment or therapeutic relief you seek, the effects of CBD can vary.

Individual-specific characteristics such as your weight, diet, metabolism, other medications, genetics, medical conditions, and the formulation and quality of the CBD product itself could influence the amount of therapeutic value that CBD will offer.

Not only does it depend on the individual, but also their ailment or condition. Depending on the therapeutic needs, different CBD products may prove more beneficial than others.

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Different types of CBD oil and how they deliver different effects.

The effects of different CBD oil products can differ drastically.

When you stumble upon a wide selection of CBD oil products, there might not appear to be much differentiating them. However, not all CBD oil will make you feel the same. Here are the common CBD oil types you can find and the two different sources.

Hemp-derived vs. marijuana-derived CBD oil

There are two main classifications of cannabis plants that produce CBD: hemp and marijuana. Though the CBD molecular structure is identical regardless of source, there's a difference between the chemical makeup of hemp and marijuana plants, which can lead to CBD oil products with different effects.


Hemp plants and hemp-derived products are considered legal under U.S. law, as long as the plant contains no more than 0.3% THC. Therefore, hemp-derived CBD oil will have little to no THC, which will prevent consumers from feeling any of the intoxicating effects that stem from this cannabinoid.


Marijuana, on the other hand, is grown primarily for its intoxicating ingredient, THC. All pot strains contain some level of CBD but are mainly known for their high THC content. So unlike hemp-derived CBD oil products, marijuana-derived CBD oil may make you feel intoxicated.

Marijuana-derived CBD oil remains illegal at the federal level.

Although the intoxicating feeling of THC might be something you wish to avoid, it's' important to note that CBD and THC in lower doses have demonstrated a synergistic relationship when taken in tandem, a phenomenon commonly known as the "entourage effect."

When it comes to the purported effects of CBD oil products, we're not only looking at hemp-derived and marijuana-derived products. The additional cannabis compounds and ingredients also play a significant role in the consumer experience. There are substantial differences between full-spectrum CBD oil, broad-spectrum CBD oil, and CBD isolate.

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Full-spectrum CBD oil,

Full-spectrum CBD oil means it contains the plant's original terpenes and other types of cannabinoids, including cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerol (CBG) and THC, have not been filtered out during the extraction process. With full-spectrum CBD oil you can experience the "entourage effect."

Broad spectrum CBD oil,

Broad-spectrum CBD oil is similar to full-spectrum, as the oil contains most of the cannabinoids from its original state. However, the key difference here is the additional extraction process that filters out all traces of THC. With the THC removed, consumers don't need to worry about encountering any feelings of being high but can still reap the potential benefits of other minor cannabinoids and terpenes.

CBD isolate,

CBD isolate, comes in the form of a crystalline solid or white powder. Stripped of all other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, CBD isolate is the most refined form of the non-intoxicating cannabinoid, containing upwards of 99% pure CBD. With all THC and other compounds removed, CBD isolate is the purest possible form of CBD available.

That said depends a lot on the CBD type you choose to buy what you will feel when consuming it. So,

What Does CBD Feel Like?

CBD takes time to build up in the system and create results. You may feel nothing for the first few weeks or months that you use CBD products regularly. That doesn't mean that it isn't working!

The benefits might be subtle and grow over time. Sometimes, people don't even notice how much their reality changes until they stop taking CBD and return to their original condition, or someone else points it out to them.

Most people report at least one of the following positive side effects when taking CBD products regularly.

A Sense of Peace,

Individuals often feel lighter, like a weight has been lifted off of their shoulders, and they feel freer. This sensation is often the result of reduced anxieties and stress.

Relaxation or Calmness,

Most research shows that CBD takes the edge off of anxiety and stress. When you are not worried about your daily life, it's easier to relax.

Reduced Pain and Inflammation,

Pain relief is a common reason people turn to CBD products. If you have arthritis, chronic diseases, or gastrointestinal issues, relief can be hard to find. High-quality CBD can help to reduce or eliminate symptoms of these common conditions.

Better Sleep,

Most CBD consumers sleep better at night. They find it easier to stop their mind from racing while they fall asleep. Once in dreamland, they find themselves tossing and turning less than before.

More Focus,

CBD products calm your mind, helps to prevent overwhelming feelings and information overload. When you are more focused, it's easier to get your work done more efficiently without multitask or becoming distracted quickly.

Improved Neurological Symptoms,

Like chronic pain diseases, patients with neurological disorders like Epilepsy, Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis often struggle to find relief. CBD products seem to reduce spasticity in MS patients, seizures in those with Epilepsy, and neuropathy in people who have Lupus.

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Does CBD have side effects?

The World Health OrganizationTrusted Source says CBD is safe, and most people experience zero adverse side effects with regular CBD use. However, more research is still needed.

Dry Mouth, Diarrhea, or Reduced Appetite,

For some people, these undesirable side effects will disappear the longer you use a CBD product. If they continue or become worse, you should stop using CBD and talk to your doctor.

If you're taking medication or suffering from a severe medical condition, consult with your doctor before trying CBD.

Why Use CBD? Feel Good With CBD

Some people wonder, if CBD doesn't make you feel high, then why use it? As we've shared throughout this article, you receive all of the beneficial medicine from the hemp plant when you use CBD products. You're likely to feel more relaxed, less stressed, and sleep better.

CBD works with your endocannabinoid system and the serotonin receptors in your body. Your endocannabinoid system controls your immune system, ability to remember information, metabolism and appetite, stress and moods, how you handle pain, and even reproduction. Serotonin regulates your understanding and learning of facts, mood, and other body processes.

Anecdotal evidence and preliminary studies indicate that more people have issues with these systems than we realize. Even people who appear healthy and highly functioning can have underlying problems with their endocannabinoid system or serotonin levels. That's part of why almost everyone can improve their life by using CBD products.

Scientific research on CBD, its effectiveness, and how it works remains in its early phases. We still need large-scale, controlled human studies to confirm this anecdotal data and our informed assumptions further. We expect that we'll discover even more benefits to CBD with these research projects than those we've already begun to recognize.

Are You Ready to Feel Legalizing CBD?

Legalizing CBD was born from the desire to satisfy a growing need for a safe, ethical, and environmentally responsible CBD brand. You can use it with complete confidence, knowing that you are getting the highest quality, high-potency, most affordable hemp CBD products on the market, which have the potential to elevate your well-being.

Don't forget, scientists are in the early stages of CBD research. It is not just an FDA-approved treatment for any disease; anecdotal evidence and preliminary studies indicate the existence of healing properties.

When living with chronic pain, stress, or disease, it can be easy to lose hope. We're here to remind you that a different future is possible and to provide you with tools that might help along the way. If you have more questions about how CBD makes you feel or which product is best for you, leave us a comment below or send us an email at

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