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Why Choose Full Spectrum CBD & Why Works Better

Humans have been using whole-plant medicines since the dawn of time, herbal remedies have been our companions throughout our evolutionary history – and CBD Oil is part of this tradition.

As designed by Nature, beneficial plants contain a diverse spectrum of active molecules that work together in concert, and cannabis is no exception.

Here we will clear up your questions about Full-spectrum, Broad-spectrum & Isolates CBD.

There are hundreds of active compounds in cannabis — and we'll explore how these cannabinoids, terpenes, and phenolics work best together in a Full Spectrum, according to Nature's design

Let’s jump in…

What is CBD?

CBD is short for Cannabidiol and is one of the most studied compounds of the 116-plus known cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. CBD is often regarded as the most important cannabinoid ever discovered.

CBD is a potent plant extract that has been used for wellness for thousands of years. CBD has an array of effects on our body’s endocannabinoid system. To learn more, click here.

Different types of CBD Oil. The difference in Full Spectrum CBD oil, Broad Spectrum CBD oil, Isolate CBD Oil.

These three labels tell you the type of cannabinoid content you can expect in your product.

Learned this, let's find out everything about Full Spectrum CBD Oil.

What Does Full Spectrum CBD Oil Mean?

CBD is one of more than 100 cannabinoids that are extracted from the hemp plant. Full-spectrum CBD oil means the product contains many cannabinoids beyond CBD, such as CBN, CBDV, THCV, CBG, CBC, THCA, CBDA,... and other compounds like naturally occurring terpenes, essential vitamins, fatty acids, protein,...

This means that you are getting a healthy dose of all the cannabinoids and nutrients from the hemp plant.

Most scientists now agree that Full Spectrum CBD oil is the preferred option because of something called the “entourage effect.”

This phenomenon refers to how cannabinoids work together to become more effective. A study in 2005 conducted in Jerusalem found that test subjects given full-spectrum CBD oil experienced heightened relief compared to those who received a CBD isolate.

The primary concern for some people here is the THC compound. The hemp plant (not marijuana) contains less than 0.3% THC, meaning that the full spectrum extract will contain only negligible amounts of THC. These trace amounts will definitely not get you high.

Full spectrum cbd oil in the cannabis plant.

Discovering the Entourage

The idea of the ¨entourage effect¨ lies in all the cannabis compounds working together.

Although the concept may seem obvious to you, it took scientists a long time to catch on. Here are some of the findings that helped researchers understand that the entourage effect is real. When we use a Full Spectrum CBD - full of - cannabinoids, terpenes, and phenolics, we often see two results: lower doses are required and more beneficial results.

Why does this happen?

Back-up support: First off, many terpenes and phenolics have effects similar to those of CBD on mood, pain, and inflammation. Although CBD has more than 65 targets throughout the body, its activity at each individual target varies. Other members of the entourage could be even more effective than CBD, where you need it most.

Complementary paths to the same outcome: When looking for relief from a complex issue like anxiety, there are often multiple paths that lead to the same outcome. While CBD is busy acting on serotonin receptors, other entourage compounds might focus on other neurotransmitters.

Counteracting downsides: Scientists think purified CBD has the best dose-response curve because it activates different targets at different concentrations. For instance, CBD relieves anxiety at moderate doses (through 5-HT1A receptors) but might trigger anxiety-inducing neurotransmitters at high doses (through TRPV1 receptors). In this way, the higher CBD dose doesn't turn off the positive effects — it just turns on adverse effects that obscure the benefits. However, the dose problem disappears when purified CBD is combined with molecules that block TRPV1 (which some natural flavonoids do).

Bioavailability: CBD alone might not absorb or travel as far through the body without its entourage. A few of the terpenoids found in cannabis extracts are so good at moving drugs across skin barriers that they are added to products designed for transdermal delivery.

Metabolism: Many entourage members are metabolized by the same enzymes as CBD (cytochrome p450). This means that the entourage could delay CBD from being broken down by the body — keeping CBD in circulation and effective longer.

THC's Entourage:

THC is the most abundant and psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant, so everyone first assumed it was also the active ingredient behind all the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. Although purified THC relieves pain, nausea, and muscle spasms, it also comes with some downsides: it can increase anxiety, affect memory, and might even lead to atrophy in the brain's hippocampus.

On the other hand, when scientists use whole-plant extracts - Full Spectrum CBD - or study people who regularly smoke or consume cannabis products with higher CBD content, the positive effects are stronger and the adverse side effects decrease or even reverse. For instance, botanical extracts are more effective at fighting breast cancer cells than THC alone, and the anxiety induced by THC is reduced by CBD — and probably other cannabinoids as well.

This is why when you consume Full Spectrum CBD Oil you really feel all the benefits you are expecting to, with no risk of the side effects.

What Are The Benefits of Full Spectrum CBD Oil?

Many CBD companies make lofty claims about the medicinal value of CBD. While we're firm supporters of CBD's therapeutic benefits, we maintain a close connection to what the existing scientific research genuinely supports regarding CBD's ability to reduce inflammation, chronic pain, anxiety, and other ailments.

CBD Oil for Arthritis and Inflammation,

The Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network recommends CBD oil as a potential effective treatment for the pain associated with arthritis due to its ability to decrease joint inflammation and offer protection to the nerves.

Though the science behind CBD is gaining traction, long-term studies on CBD's anti-inflammatory benefits are to be longed for. The Arthritis Foundation is on record urging the FDA to expedite both the research and regulation of all CBD products.

Presently, research points to two potential mechanisms by which CBD can reduce the sensitivity of pain receptors in the joints.

CBD Oil for Anxiety,

Early research is promising regarding CBD oil's' ability to help relieve anxiety, and it's one of the most popular reasons people are drawn to trying CBD.

Researchers are gradually peeling away the many layers of brain chemistry changes that take place when we're exposed to chronic stress. What we know currently is certain regions of the brain become hyperactive, while others atrophy. Additionally, levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, as well as their receptors, change.

Because human experiments are costly and legally complicated, most of the existing research has been completed using mice. A recent review of existing research found 32 different rodent studies that tested CBD's effects on anxiety.

CBD Oil for PTSD,

A growing number of people are turning to cannabinoids to relieve symptoms of PTSD.

PTSD is usually addressed pharmacologically, but many patients do not respond to these drugs or experience adverse side effects.

Perhaps because of the lack of effective therapies, patients with PTSD are more likely to use cannabis-derived (including hemp-derived) products, such as CBD, than those who do not suffer from PTSD.

The potential benefits of CBD Oil in regards to memory, anxiety, and sleeplessness have researchers intrigued.

CBD Oil for Sleep,

The American Sleep Association says 50-70 million American adults experience a sleep disorder, with insomnia being the most common.

CBD is sought most to help with sleeping troubles, and scientists are beginning to uncover the mechanisms by which CBD works to impact sleep directly. CBD improves sleep since it has the ability to relieve anxiety and pain, which are the leading causes of sleep disorders.

Other common cannabinoids found in a Full Spectrum - apart from CBD - you may come across & their benefits:

Cannabichromene (CBC): anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer properties

Cannabidivarin (CBDV): anti-convulsion, anti-inflammatory, and anti-nausea properties, as well as its impact on pain and mood disorders. It’s particularly effective in providing symptom relief for Crohn’s, HIV/AIDS, and MS.

Cannabigerol (CBG): anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-tumor properties. CBG has exhibited positive effects for cancer, glaucoma, inflammation, and skin diseases.

Cannabinol (CBN): sedative effect, along with anti-convulsant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Terpenes in full spectrum cbd oil. WHat are terpenes CBD.
flavinoids in full spectrum cbd oil. what are flavinoids cbd.
Does Full Spectrum CBD Contain THC?

Yes, full-spectrum CBD oil products contain a small amount of THC.

Our Full Spectrum CBD products are extracted from hemp plants containing less than 0.3% THC – a requirement by federal law and a measure we ensure by testing every batch of CBD in partnership with a third-party lab. Legalizing CBD's test results can be found on our Lab Results Page. We also have Isolate CBD Products in case you don't want that minimum amount of THC.

What is CBD Isolate?

Probably the most basic form of CBD is an isolated CBD product. It's created by removing all other molecules, except CBD, from the Full Spectrum extract, leaving the CBD in an anhydrous state - nothing except pure, isolated CBD. In other words, there are no other cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids – just CBD.

Although this might be considered 'basic' at first glance, it is actually much harder to glean an isolate from hemp. When hemp undergoes the extraction process to remove its cannabinoids, all of the plant's compounds are extracted. All the cannabinoids and terpenes come out of the plant. This means that extra steps must be taken in order to isolate the CBD and free it of any other compounds. Because of this, CBD isolate is quite hard to make, ending in a white powder that is at least 99% pure CBD with 0% THC.

Full-Spectrum CBD VS Isolate CBD?

Now that you know what each term means, you might be wondering how you decide between the two. Well, only you will know what the best type of CBD for you is. It is just a matter of weighing up the pros and cons.

CBD isolate has the advantage of being the purest and most potent form of CBD. It often contains upwards of 90% cannabidiol. There is no risk of psychoactive effects and minimal risk of flagging a false positive on a drug test. Furthermore, CBD isolate is both tasteless and odorless. This is perfect for those wanting to cook with CBD, as it can be added to recipes without altering the flavor at all. The only real drawback to CBD isolates is that they don't create the entourage effect.

As for full-spectrum CBD, the glaring advantage is the entourage effect. If you are looking for potent, efficient CBD, then this is the way to go. Furthermore, it is often considered closer to the original plant and is, therefore, the most authentically natural. It undergoes less processing when compared to isolates.

The cons of full-spectrum CBD are that it may flag a positive on a drug test due to the fractional THC content. The negligible amounts will probably be dismissed in a follow-up test, but a positive could cause you unnecessary stress.

Secondly, the terpenes and flavonoids from cannabis can create a strong taste and aroma that some people find unpleasant.


CBD Isolate is Best for…

  • People with sensitivity to THC and other cannabinoids.

  • People who regularly undergo drug testing in their place of employment.

  • People who wish to cook with CBD and want something with a light flavor.

Full-Spectrum CBD is Best for…

  • People who are looking to target a more specific use

  • People who want to get the most out of their CBD experience.

No CBD Oil type is better than other. While full-spectrum CBD oil products are suited to some individuals, others will find an isolate CBD oil more to their liking. It's a matter of deciding what works for you.

Here at Legalizing CBD, all of our CBD Oil tinctures are full-spectrum CBD, allowing you to experience the benefits of the entourage effect. However, if you would like to try a CBD isolate, all of our CBD Gummies, CBD Topicals, and CBD for Pets contain an isolated CBD.

We're all concerned about what we put in our bodies - especially here in Legalizing CBD - but many CBD oil brands aren't so cautious — motivated more by their bottom line.

In addition to choosing cheaper CBD, some brands use CBD from overseas sources with lower purity standards.

That's why it's vitally important that your extracts come from a trustworthy source that follows sustainable & organic farming best practices. Otherwise, synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and even heavy metals could be surprise guests in your daily dose of CBD.

Make sure your CBD Oil comes from fresh, pampered, sun-grown hemp plants!

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Always remember: Having the right attitude and mindset can literally change your life.



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